Friday, November 03, 2006

Thoughts In Random Order.

Who has seen The Grudge 2?? Come on, hands up, I wanna know your honest opinion about that stinking movie.Hands down, The Grudge kicked butt because it was original, although it was a remake, straight to the point.My next door neighbour has all these copied movies in stock (yeh i know, pirated, blah blah blah).

My hubby went by to fix their computer and he came back with The Grudge 2 in his hand. My jaw dropped to the floor and I remember saying to theeffect of "get outta here.." or "No way! He's got that??"

And so, we decided to watch it together. Before the movie even started I already had the blanket covering half my face.Robbie was like "Nuh-uh, can't cover up your face or we don't watch it." Fifteen minutes later, what happens? He falls asleep!

The downside to The Grudge 2 was the fact that they failed to stop the evil from the roots. In movies, when someone saysthe classic line: "This cannot be stopped, it's impossible!", 99% of the time they kill the bad guy. But that's not the case with The Grudge 2. The dead Jap chick ends up killing everyone who's cursed, even Sarah Michelle Gellar (SMG)got killed. I reckon the movie would be a little more interesting if SMG killed off the "evil spirits"- it'd be like Buffy all over again! hah!
The bottom line: the storyline's just ok, unsatisfied with the ending.For those of you who have watched it, am I wrong to let my mind wander to the possibilty that there maybe, just maybe,that there will be a movie called "The Grudge 3"? Gosh! *rolls eyes*

Today, thanks to God, my son is 10 month, omg! Somebody pinch me! *gasp* oh 2 months time, inshaAllah, he'll be 1 year old! *screams in disbelief* aahh!! When we get to the age of 9-10 months, we tend to become little rascals and want to reach for everything and put it in our mouths. He hasn't got any teeth yet, which doesn't worry me because in average babies can grow their first tooth between 3-15 months. If my little boy doesn't grow his first tooth by the age of 15 months,THEN I'll be worried.

Earlier this week I received two things. The Dream Theater: Score dvd that I ordered @ AND my CasioBaby G watch....alright! SoOoOOoo excited that I wore the watch right away! ahuahua!

I'm quite excited about tomorrow. InshaAllah going to Tempe Mosque in the morning, for a Saturday School session,and then later on off to my aunty's house for Eid- she's having an open house.

*sigh*I'm tired and my limbs are aching and I have to move my son from my bed to his cot. Think I'll end it here.

~Peace out y'all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Never seen Grudge so cant comment. Those Jap Horror films are too scary for my liking !!

Hehe, Fauz u have nothing to worry about. Adam is 9 mths, has 6 teeth and is crawling backwards. Now thats something to worry about!! He's bitten right through his yellow rubber ducky and dont ask me what he did to his TMX Elmo.

BTW I havent seen Abz in up some new photos !!