Monday, November 20, 2006


..........So, here I am waiting for another episode of Charmed to load up on youtube. You know how I was excited to FINALY watch 1st & 2nd episodes of Charmed Season 8? Well, since that day I've been reminded of one episode of Charmed where Prue was killed by a demon, called Shax. Just by looking at the demon (even though he's fictitious) I know that I'd turn on my heels and run like mad!

Aaaaanyway, even though I've watched these episodes on T.V. I couldn't remember how Piper, Pheobe, and Paige formed the Charmed Ones, again. And so I've decided to start from there. The episode when Prue died, dagnammit, it was sooOoOO emotional toward the end; even I had to cry watching it the second time around. No, I'm not one of those who like watching romantic movies and start crying at them. If there's a moment in a moment in an episode, which somehow can happen to me, then I'd replay the scene in my head, as if it were happening to me, and start the waterworks. Nahhh, no dramas, just a tear or two down the cheek, that's all.

Speaking of devastation. Ever had a dream/nightmare that you've woken up from and cried, cried 'till your body shook? I've had that dream. Well, I interpreted it as a nightmare because it happened to someone who is of the most utmost importance to me. This wasn't recent though. It happened while I was pregnant with Abdurrahman. I vaguely remember it, now that I try to recall. But in the nightmare, I dreamt that a group of people were being held hostage inside a building. And one of them happened to be an important person in my family (I will not say who). All I remember now is; one of the bad guys shot that person dead, and in my sleep I cried while I witnessed the nightmare. I woke up, suddenly crying and shaking, I realised who they shot; and cried some more. I tried putting my head back down underneath the pillow and going back to sleep. Somehow my crying woke my husband up. He was baffled as to why I was crying so heavily; I simply replied with a: "...I had a bad, bad dream...". And with that he comforted me as I tried to sleep again. It was hard to forget about it.

I couldn't.

That wasn't the first time of dreaming someone getting shot. The first time I dreamt someone being shot was me. I remember the scenery so vividly. I was standing in a phone booth outside the streets of my parents' house. I remember looking to my left and seeing someone; their hand outstreched, ready to pull the trigger. They pulled it. I remember lying on the ground feeling the warmth of the wound on the right side of my chest- astonishingly I wasn't panicking, stressed out or anything. Oddly, I didn't react realistically to that dream, didn't cry or anything! Wiiiieerddd dude!

Wow. One story leads to another eh? How strange is that. Anyway, I think the videos are way beyond uploaded! I might as well stay up because Subh is in an hour's time, might as well go all the way. Be safe and have safe dreams readers.


1 comment:

Fee said...


Just keep Allah in ur heart at all times, and his protection will never waver over you inshaAllah.

Those dreams are horrible, and I've had recurring nightmares like that too sometimes. They're horrible :( xoxoxo