Thursday, August 31, 2006


Oh boy, i'm so pissed @ the company who I bought my iRiver from!!

Yeh, i've bought and sold many things off eBay and nothing has gone wrong..........until now. I bought the iRiver H120 (20GB) for $265, plus $25 for express post(which I received 2 weeks later), AND plus another $60 for the remote control!!

That's a frikkin' whopping $350!! And when I finally receive the blarrdy iRiver, guess what happens next! The frikkin' idiot leaves out the remote control!! He made me wait 2 weeks for that. I thanked my brother immensely for dropping it by and got on the net right away to pound his ass!!

I totally have the right to be pissed off, aren't I? Just a tip for eBay-ers out there: look at the seller's feedback and their feedback comments. Never again am I gonna buy from that company- think he might've been asian....majority of them are dodgy.

gRRRRR!! I must not remain angry....i've gotta calm down and wait for their reply. IT'S BLAARRDYY TICKING ME OFF!!!

Time for a hadith:

The Messenger (peace be upon him) said:
"On the Day of Resurrection, the sun will be lowered
so that the distance between it and the people
will be only be one mile.
That Day, people will drown in their own sweat
according to their deeds.
Some will have sweat reaching their ankles.
Some will have it reaching their knees.
some will have it reaching their necks.
And some will be completely drowned in their own sweat."
[H.R. Muslim]
And with that I will continue perform good deeds, for the sake of seeking Allah's pleasure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

U have got to be kidding me Fauz! I dont mean to rub salt in your wound..but I was able to get a 60gb video ipod for $480 on ebay. The thing with ebay is you need to be patient.. and i mean really patient! I sat and watched ebay for a year before i was able to get that ipod. I hope you left the buyer with a really harsh comment !! Lol.. nevertheless thats a cool mp3 player!