Thursday, February 22, 2007

Uni Jitters........................................bleh!

hey! wat up, mah homy-G's?? O_0

Hope everyone's well and all :) Yep, Thursday shopping night............what a night. I can't explain why I always feel faint, a little light-headed, and tired all at the same time whenever we go grocery shopping. But whenever I do the shopping during the daytime- I feel fine! Yep, I'm starting to notice the pattern here.

Believe it or not, Uni's starting next week; for UWS. Think I'm getting the Pre-Uni Jitters. I'm a little worried how my son will be looked after when I can't take him to Uni and my mother-in-law is busy with Dialysis at the same time? Inshallah I'll find a way. During tute registration, they've put as a "default" full-time student. Gosh! I'm gonna have to do alot of damage control within the first week! And another bizzarre thing: they've changed ALL OF THE SUBJECT NAMES in the whole 3-year B Nursing course!! I mean, WHAT THE HELL IS THAT??!! I've done most of the subjects that I'm enrolled in right now. I predict it's gonna be a bloody hassle for the first week, sorting out my official hours at Uni. Once that is cleaned up perhaps I have time for a part-time job? Inshallah I will- trust me, I need the moolah to help my hubby in searching a place of our own.
On the lighter side, inshallah I'll get to some familiar faces that I left behind 2 years ago. It is time to embrace Uni life, once again.

I'm getting bored of my iRiver mp3 player. I've realised that I didn't need it anymore. I've got the CD stacker in the car, my sony ericsson which has 1GB memory card. These days I'm not in the mood for music, not even Dream Theater songs. What I should be listening to is more Qur'an recitation, and HEAPS of Islamic lectures. So I've decided to sell it on.....*drum roll* EBAY!! YAY! hauhauah! Alhamdulillah, most of my items get sold :D Problem is: Starting price. What should it be? eeek! >_<
The iRiver plays AWESOME!

Btw, I'm trying to fight off a mouth ulcer- subhanallah, it kills!! I was over-joyed to find Sedagel in the drawer. IT KILLS EVEN MORE!!

Check out this video. This guy paints pictures of 30 people who have influenced him on his torso. I was amazed! Watch it:

~Peace y'all.

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