Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Belated B'day Post: I've Lived For 23 Years (Alhamdulillah)

Never thought that I would be married with a 13-month-old son by the age of 23.

My b'day was yesterday. Why am I posting a day after it? I don't know myself. I had the intention of posting sometime yesterday, but didn't get around to it.

This is my 2nd b'day with my hubby and son. And it feels so special every single time. *Gasp*! It just hit me. It may not be a big deal to some people but; it's almost my 2nd year of marriage to Robbie. Time flies TOO fast, apparently!

What do 'birthdays' really mean? In Islam, we try not to celebrate too much on our birth dates. Not to sound pessimistic but we view our birthdays a way to remind ourselves of how close we are to old age and eventually death. More likely, how close we are to death. Of course we welcome our special birthdays with open arms! You can throw a party if you like! It's best to keep it a standard pace. Because if we celebrate too much and over the top, we tend to forget our purpose in this life.

I've never had a birthday party in my life (except in Kindergarten). Not even in my teen years and not even now, in my adult life. Of course I've always had my close family to share my birthdays, and I've always appreciated that. Especially for last night. My mum, brother and 2 cousins came by just for the b'day; 'twas truly touching.

I know it wasn't a big party or anything; but that's exactly what I didn't want: A big party. The important thing is I have a purpose in life, a reason to live, and a destination to reach; Eternal Paradise. And that's what pulls me through this tough life.

We all have a purpose in Life. Don't lose it.


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