Wednesday, August 04, 2010

As The Week Goes By....

Why does the week seem so frikkin' long?!

I find my days pretty laid back even with two kids to look after - 4yr old boy & a 4month-old girl. Thank God they're both behaved kids (so far!). Each day is pretty much the same but with surprises installed! At the end of every day I find my lower back kills, my neck sore & my left shoulder aching - but I wasn't doing much!

Perhaps I need a break.......*sigh*

I'm REALLY relieved that my 4-month-old is already sleeping through night and wakes up around 6am. She's been doing that for about a month now. I've just put her down in her cot and I'm DYING to get my sleep! Everytime I drift off I hear her stirring about and swinging her head from side to side.

Must get my sleep. Night!


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