Sunday, March 11, 2007

Never thought that my eldest brother would get married, let alone have a child. Well, now he's got both a wife AND a brand new son named Khalid Abdul Jabbar.

He was born on the 7th March 2007, @ 02:00 hours. I got the call from him around 5.30am that morning. Subhanallah, he sounded so at peace. I remember when I had Abdurrahman. An hour after he was out I kept repeating the sentence: "Oh my God, I have a son", over and over again to make it sound real to my ears. Both my husband & I were overwhelmed, especially me.

Alhamdulillah it was another happy moment for my big extended family. We were ALL there, all 22 of us, including little Khalid. 23 if you count my aunty's unborn baby, due sometime next month. Luckily my brother's wife had the room to herself (there were 2 beds in 1 room), so we were allowed to stay there. The last time, my cousin had her baby and it was too crowded for us all to be in there; so we filled the waiting room.

I had the previlige of bathing my first nephew, after he was brought home yesterday. I say that he's my 'first nephew' because I've had lots of other nieces & nephews from my cousins; and that's not REALLY a neice or nephew. This time it feels natural, like he's my child too. I warn you all that I get REALLY wierd and clucky when I'm around new babies. I act all funny & start speaking baby language. It's just so beautiful when newborns suckle on their mother's breast. I love it! Where do newborns get the knowledge of suckling & how do they know what to find when they want a feed? It's just amazing how Allah Almighty creates us all.


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