Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Okay. It's been a long time since i last blogged. I can't type to the best of my ability because my hands are allergic to ANY dishwashing detergant; which causes one of my fingers to peel off, possibly Eczema. Right now my middle finger on my left hand is affected. It's got some ointment on it so I can't let that one finger type. Subhanallah, I feel hopeless just because one finger is unable to function properly. Imagine being immobilised, unable to do anything.

Alright, so I've finished watching the 8th and final season of Charmed. Which means there's not gonna be anymore of Charmed! *booohoooo!!* My hubby's friend gets all these tv shows downloaded off the internet, it's a good thing that he does so I get to watch them..yay for that! You have NO IDEA how much of a Charmed fanatic I am. I love the notion of all these magical powers and stuff- no, I'm not abandoning my Islamic belief for witchcraft, HELL NO! Astaghfirullah. I just love a little sci-fi in tv shows, for example: Charmed, Roswell, Medium, and....the list goes on.

The point is, I LOVE CHARMED. And recently I saw on tv that their FINALLY gonna show season 8 & here I couldn't decide whether or not to borrow my hubby's friend's season 8 Charmed dvd's. But alas, I didn't want to waste my chances. I could either waste 22 weeks to know what happens in the end OR I can watch the dvd's and enjoy the final season within a couple of days- I finished watching the final season in 2 days.
IT WAS AWESOME!! Typically, it was a happy ending: Piper and Leo grow old together, both Phoebe & Paige get married and have children. All three sisters have 3 children each: Piper has 2 boys & a girl, Paige has 1 boy & 2 girls (twins), and Phoebe has 3 girls- which i guess her kids are to continue the legacy of the 'Charmed Ones'. awesome. In the last episode we get to see Piper's boys all grown up; I'd have to say they are quite gorgeous! woOOOOOoH!!

Aight, enough of that. I'm still anticipating whether I should purchase 'Roswell Season 3' on eBay, since Robbie's friend doesn't have it. I can 'Buy It Now' on Ebay for $37.95 plus $9.00 for postage. Sometimes the price is higher if the format is bidding. There's NO WAY I'm purchasing the boxsets in the dvd shops! YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THEY COST??? Around $70.00. I may like to watch them but I'm not stupid to waste my moolah in spending that much for a tv show! So I'm keeping a watch for it on ebay.

The end of the year is nearing its end. I can't believe it's gone by too fast. InshaAllah my son will be 1 year of age next month - but he doesn't have any teeth yet, LOL!! InshaAllah they'll start growing, 'cuz I see it in his gums that they're on their way, huheuehuehe. He's the 2nd reason I wake up to everyday. Sometimes, I feel sad for many reasons. I'm still living with the in-laws and I feel like i'm restricted in being myself in this house, because I don't have my privacy. Hubby & I are saving up for a home, it's impossible to stay here if we want to have a family.
Our son is growing up so fast. I'm praying to Allah, everyday, constantly, asking Him to find us a separate home to live in - if it is His Will. God Willing.

My aunty and her kids departed to Indonesia last night. And you know what? I FORGOT ALL ABOUT IT!! My hubby & I forgot to see them off last night! It just occurred to me 5 minutes ago. I'm gonna have to call my mum tonight, she's probably wondering why I didn't go last night. Oh dear, I feel REALLY, REALLY, terrible! Her & my mum are sisters and her husband and my hubby's father are brothers - talk about a tangle web! So, my hubby and I have the same cousins, hehhehe! Which is an excellent thing to have.

After Ramadhan ended we planned to go out and have Pancakes On The Rocks - ever heard of that place? There's one @ The Rocks and another one @ Northmead, we ended up going to Northmead, which isn't better than the one @ The Rocks.

I remember my first time going to the Pancakes On The Rocks (@ the City). It's easy to remember it 'cuz it was on my wedding night. I went in there with my white wedding dress! I'm not kidding! I didn't feel embarassed. I was cool with it.
After our reception we headed out to the City, with the photographers, to take some wedding photos. It was just Robbie & I and Robbie's friend to drive us around. I remembered it was around 1am that we finished taking the photos. The real cool thing about taking pictures @ the City, after your wedding, is that you get to park @ the unparkable spots and not get a ticket when the coppers see you. People just drive by and give you the 'thumbs up', even Cops, cool!

Well, I entered the Pancakes restaurant and the limelight was on me. LOL! DeR! I was the only one there wearing a wedding dress! While we were waiting for our food a waitress complimented me, hiehiehihee. I felt like a princess at that moment....LOL!
Funny, eh? That's one of my most memorable moments.

Faaar out, I got off-track there. So, looking at the menus, it took them AAAGES to decide what they're having. I swear, Robbie's cousins are somewhat crazy in their humour; when I compare them to how I act with my cousins, let's say that we act more human than they do.
Crazy people, but i love them. So here are some pix:
The boys: AbdurRahman, Robbie, Adam, Arif, & Hanafi

The Girlz: Rina, Michelle, Afni, Katherine & Me

Ready to murder the pancakes!

My little family (Rob's not so good with camera flashes)

This was my Blueberry Haven...mmMm!

Adam, full throttle

Subhanallah! So full! Next time we'll S H A R E pancakes!

I reckon that's about it for now.

~Peace y'all.

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