Sunday, December 31, 2006

Eid Madness!!

As you all might have noticed, yesterday was the celebration of Eid Al-Adha, which means The Eid of Sacrifice. I had a blast yesterday although half of my relatives were celebrating the Eid in Indonesia and also for an upcoming wedding of my cousin.........far out! I wish i was there with them. I'm not jealous, somehow I do feel sadness.

To make this an even bigger issue for me, my parents are taking off to Indonesia this afternoon. I'm fully bummed out at the thought of that. The only family left I'll have until they all come back are my brothers, sis-in-law, my aunty (mum's cousin), my cousin & her cute bebe.
I must say that yesterday's Eid Al-Adha was a little different without my young, teenage cousins.

Lakemba Mosque is ALWAYS packed every Eid. Whenever my parents & I headed off to Eid prayer it's always a hassle getting through all those people, especially when that section is blocked, because we live across from the Mosque.
I always pray Eid prayers @ Marrickville's Addison Road Hall because the Prophet (peace be upon him) said that: praying Eid prayers is better in the field than @ a Mosque. That's where I've been praying Eid prayers since I was 6 years of age,and that's where most of the Indonesian community pray their Eid prayers.

I feel so sad and left out for getting my periods at this time. Friday, the day before the Eid was a chance to fast- if you fast that day you will get an immense amount of reward from Allah Almighty, and your sins will be wiped away (2 years worth of sins, i think- don't quote me on that!). So I didn't get to fast on Friday AND I didn't get to pray Eid Al-Adha on Saturday, DOUBLE WHAMMY! But it was okay, Alhamdulillah. I still got my hubby to take me out on Friday, to Burwood while he was fasting, hehhe. Burwood's a hole! Nothing good there. I went to Lakemba afterwards to find my son a long dress for boys. I loved it! He looks like a Hajj! eeeek! Cute!

Anyway, after the prayer & khutbah finished, my cousin & I went outside of the hall to wait for everybody. There we were with our babies. Two prams side by side, Hamzah & Abdurrahman.

InshaAllah our little ones will grow up like brothers, even though they're just cousins.I feel like she's my sister. We usually take photos of all of us, but since almost everybody was @ Indonesia I didn't feel like taking loads of pictures. Only took photos of the two boys. We waited around to shake hands and ask forgiveness from our family & friends, our parents, husbands, and so on. And so we decided to head off. First, Robbie & I went back home for a bit and then his relos came over. After that we went to my mum's house, my aunty'shouse, and then my cousin's to eat. Yeahh.......Eid is 90% about the food! I love it! Here's some pics:
A little blurry: me, Abs, my dad

My mum and her grandson

I hope all my brothers & sisters in Islam, all around the globe, had a wonderful Eid Al-Adha, especially those @ Hajj Pilgrimage- may Allah protect them. Amin.
~Peace y'all!

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