Wednesday, January 03, 2007

My Son Has Lived His First Year.


Oh hey! Great to be here again! Finally, I am on time for ONE OF THE MOST important moment in my life...MY SON'S BIRTHDAY! Now, I want to post ON THE RIGHT DAY of something important to me. I am SOOOOOO buggered right now, but the love of a mother to her child cannot be beaten by tiredness and delaying posting in her blog on her son's birthday. No way. I'm trying to fight that tiredness right this minute. It was a big day for the little guy. You know what he got for his birthday? THREE INJECTIONS ON HIS THIGHS, that's what!Hah! Imagine getting that for a blarrdy b'day gift! Poor baby, he was fed up with the 3rd injection on his right thigh. We had to go to a completely different doctor to get him immunised. The usual doctor we go to is on Holidays, and the Medical Centre was out of stock of the '12 months vaccinations'. After those nasty injections it was off to the Baby Health Centre we went.

Alhamdulillah! He is progressing so well. Right now, he's 10.2 Kg, 75cm tall. He can now drink full-cream cow's milk (the normal milk), but I still want to continue giving him S-26 Gold Toddler, with all those nutritious ingredients. But somehow we'll alternate between the two.
Since it was his b'day my brothers wanted to come over to see him. He rang me up while we were still at the baby centre. So I just told him that Abdurrahman & I would pop by @ mum's place. Oh btw, my parents have departed to Indonesia, for mycousin's wedding. So my unmarried brother has the house all to himself.......HOW LUCKY! I wish I single now.........NOT! LOL.Ok, so the story goes: I had to get some shopping done and we couldn't leave my father-in-law all by himself. So I dropped off my mother-in-law and headed off down to my mum's place to meet my brothers there. And between those times alot of shopping had to be done, and I had to be home by 4pm to cook dinner. Regardless of the hecktik schedule, I had fun spending time with my brothers; nowadays, that moment is rare to have.

I always remember back to Abdurrahman's birth day. He came to the world early than expected. His estimated due date was 19 February, 2006, yep- one day before my birthday. I was excited! Instead he came 2 days before Robbie's birthday. I still remember that day vividly. I don't want to go into details just in case some readers get grossed out by birth stories. The first thing new mothers do when they meet is tell each other labour stories - it's facsinating! Alhamdulillah, mine was VEEEEEEEEERYYY easy. The whole labour thing went for 16 hours but the real pains only lasted for 1 hour; and he was out by 4.10pm, 3rd January 2006.

The BIGGEST thing I learned while going through delivery is how precious our mothers are. It is true what parents/mothers say: You will NEVER, truly know how it is to be a mother/parent, until you become oneyourself. Within 5 pushes, I received my gift from Allah Almighty. I was so happy that I was crying. Overwhelmed by what's happened. My gosh, I'm even getting teary while typing this blog.

My point is: when a mother hold her newborn baby in her arms, she thinks about nothing else except how Allah is Gracious; how beautiful her baby is; how hard is was for her own mother to go through the same thing. And with those thoughts in mind, I asked MY mother to forgive me, immensely. For all the pain I have caused her. For the way I acted sometimes - especially raising up the youngest, and only daughter. Dearest readers, I only ask that you treat your parents with kindness. Please, never mistreat them; or else you'll regret it.

Everyday I ask Allah to give me strength in raising my son. For him to be the best Muslim that he can be and never displease his Creator. Here's a classic shot of me & my boy :)

[Forever Love]

It is no surprise why Parents get all your attention,
After all they've been your guardian since you've
Stepped out into the world, since your first cry;
First word, first smile, first walk.
You'll never understand the love of a parent for their children
Until you become a parent yourself.
Why do you take them for granted?
How can you?
Your responsibility is to them after God,
They have cherished you & looked after you
And hoped all the best for you while you were still suckling.
They've watched you grow, grow & grow into a human being-
Into an individual; what you have become today,
Even if you are not the person they wanted you to be;
You will still be forever theirs,
Forever a father & mother's love.
When you stumbled when taking your first step,
They kept you going;
When your mother carried you, wherever she went for the whole nine months,
She battled with the pain & suffering of birthing;
She may have died while hoping you would have a great life!
Will you not help them up after they've taken their final step?
Will you not give them a shoulder to cry on?
Will you not lower your wings of humility to them?
Show them your gratitude, your generosity-
The next time a 'tomorrow' comes,
Will be on the Last Day.
~Peace y'all.

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