Sunday, December 09, 2007

Something's Fishy...

I've been going through 'The Sims 2 withdrawal syndrome' - there's no such thing, I made it up cuz I AM SO ADDICTED TO THE GAME! Including the base game (The Sims 2), I've got the University & Nightlife expansion........which is awesome! But now, I can't seem to stop thinking about playing it!! That's how addictive it is!! Enough rambling on about fictitious lives and on with mine.

Robbie bought Abdurrahman a young fighting fish on Saturday, at a Burwood pet shop; which I used to be very familiar with because of my history of having 10 mice (not all at once but in total) as pets. From the beginning I've said "No" to the buy-Abdurrahman-a-fish-idea- men.....THEY DON'T LISTEN.......AAAAAARRRGH!! I always knew of the outcome if he bought the fish; which he did. The outcome was this: Abdurrahman picked up the small tank and threw it on the carpet, the water had seeped through the plastic tank and it also cracked so there was n
o way the leakage would stop. This happened today. I didn't realise it was the fish tank that fell when I heard a soft 'thud' on the carpet, until I walked into the living room. I did my best to hurry up and find the fish another home- and thank God it wasn't down the toilet.

Personally I don't like to have fishes as pets because I can't touch them & hold them. I like animals where I can cuddle, pat, touch, and play with. But today I sympathised with the poor fish. While I was moving him to the Capilano honey bucket I was begging to Allah to let him live.
Pretty fish with a blue tail. I think it's growing on me. Now it's on top of the washing machine where it's unreachable from the little terror a.k.a Abdurrahman.


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