Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Snotty Season.....Literally.

Tell me one person that DID NOT get the flu/cold/cough viruses during this month. Nup, I knew you couldn't.

Let's see, my little boy had just gone over his fever last Saturday; we were supposed to go to my mum's but couldn't because his temperature was still too high. Right after that, my throat started getting REAL croaky and felt that I was going to pass out at any moment.

Got a lot of visits from my family this past week because they wanted to see how Abdurrahman was doing. Oh, by the way, my little boy has turned 18 months today. I was feeling his gums for some new teeth coming and, alhamdulillah, I felt something sharp to the right of his two front-bottom teeth.
You see, he only as 4 teeth, on average he should have more but I'm not worried that; I'm just flippin' excited! Yay! He knows his got sharp teeth now, he always wants to bite my chin. Didn't think it would hurt that much, but to my dismay, it did.

Well anyway, I've been really down with the cough, flu, and sore throat; subhanallah it's a terrible thing to go through while looking after a sick baby. I'm trying not to complain because there are others out there in the world who are going through so many horrifying things, compared to a cough or a cold, and they deserve nothing to be going through so much pain. It's a test of faith.

I'm really sick of these Muslims, who call themselves "devout Muslims", and perform actions that are contradictory to the Islamic practice- blowing things up, hurting people -I'm sick of it! Allahu a'lam, Allah knows best who is telling the truth. I know for sure the media is screwing things around and making Islam look rotten in people's eyes.

On a not-so-serious note, I finished reading "Memoirs of A Geisha", finally. It took me quite a while; around 2-3 weeks. It's a pretty good read, very facinating. I love how Sayuri expresses herself almost poetically. When she describes a person's beauty It made me want to watch the movie more to see if the director did a good job @ picking the characters. After finishing the book, I looked through YouTube for the movie, and I found it! Yay! I watched it and was almost totally impressed of how good of a job well done those people did with making the film.

There are a few things though: 1) the book is always better than the movie. 2) Being taken away from their family - it is not how Chiyo and Satsu seperated from their parents. 3) Hatsumomo's not that pretty. 4) Michelle Yeoh was PERFECT to play the part of Mameha, very pretty in the movie. 5) The character Nobu had one arm missing in the book, in the movie he had two arms.
I'm really glad they kept the ending that way.

Personally, I wouldn't like to be a geisha if I had the choice. But being forced to become one? No, I would rather die. No offense or disrespect to those out there who think otherwise, but it's just my opinion. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVED the book dearly, couldn't put it down until I was nearing the end of it.

The one movie that i'm also excited about is Harry Potter and The Order of The Pheonix. I reckon it'll be AWESOME DUDE!!

Speaking of awesome, take a look at this person's blog who took a picture of my
VAN. My brother found it on the internet and told me about it. No, we don't have that number plate anymore because the RTA thought it was "inappropriate" *rolls eyes*. It doesn't matter now anyway.

Until next time.....


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