Saturday, October 07, 2006

Ramadhan Day 14.

I love this special month..........when you think about it, Ramadhan is not that long. It's only consisted of three groups of 10 days each - now that's a short time! We'll miss you when you go away, Ramadhan. Please let us see you come back next year, Allah willing.

Hmm.....usually we go out on Saturdays, but today was an exception - cuz we're fasting and there's no reason to go out, because all those shopping malls have food everywhere, and we're not gonna eat anyway, what's the use. So I just slept in, after waking up @ 3.20am and slept @ 6am. I needed the sleep 'cuz I felt like a zombie....aaaarrrghh! Abdurrahman got a new walker today. He wasn't very keen to walk with it, everytime we'd move the walker with him in it, he'd sulk and cry - he just likes the musical thingies on it........cute!

Wanna read another story? Sure you do!

The Shepherd

Once upon a time, there lived in Basra an old man whose only occupation was caring for and loving his only son who was a handsome young man. The old man invested all his money on his son's education. The young man went away for a few years and acquired an education at a well known university under the great scholars of that age.

The day had arrived for the son to return from his studies and the old man waited at the door for his son. When the son came and met his father, the old man looked in his eyes and felt great disappointment.

"What have you learnt my son?" he asked
"I have learnt everything there was to be learnt, father"
"But have you learnt what cannot be taught?" asked the father "Go, my son and learn what cannot be taught"

The young man went back to his teacher and asked him to teach him what cannot be taught.

"Go away to the mountains with this four hundred sheep and come back when they are one thousand" said his teacher.

So the young man went to the mountains and became a shepherd. There for the first time he encountered a silence. He had no one to talk to. The sheep did not understand his language. In his desperation, he would talk to them but they would look back at him as if to say he was stupid. Slowly but surely he began to forget all his wordly knowledge, his ego, his pride and he became quiet like the sheep and great wisdom and humility came to him.

At the end of the two years when the number of sheep had grown to one thousand, he returned to his master and fell on his knees.

"Now you have learnt what cannot be taught" said the teacher.

Note: It's interesting to note that the Prophets of Allah (pbut) at some point in their lives, generally before becoming a Prophet, tended to sheep and other such animals.


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