Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Wa-Thak'ker (And Remind)

Weekly reminders that I receive in my email. Just thought it'll be a useful reminder for you too.


In Islam everything is given its proper time and place. There is time for laughter, time for anger, time for happiness and time for crying.

The strangest expression for us at the moment is crying. But crying is an expression that the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) did many times, so it could never be strange. And we have to cry like the Prophet cried.
The great man was sinless. He was forgiven for all his sins; past, present and future and still would cry so much. Now let's look at ourselves, who don't have the safety the Prophet had, who sin so much like mountains, who are so short with our obedience to Allah - when was the last time you cried?
When was the last time you cried from the fear of Allah? Unfortunately we cry from a sad movie, lost a portion of this dunya or something trivial.

Crying (for the right reasons) is encouraged in Islam. We find it in the Qur'an in Surat Maryam. After mentioning Maryam's story and so many prophets - Easa, Zackariah, Ibrahim etc. He wraps it all up with a common trait: "Whenever the Signs of (Allah) Most Gracious were rehearsed to them, they would fall down in prostration adoration and crying in tears."

Things that made Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) cry and should make us cry:

  • Recitation of the Qur'an

  • Remembering the two great things - hellfire and paradise

  • Making du'a (supplication)

  • Fear and love for the 'Ummah

  • Sake of the da'wah

  • Day of Judgement

  • Being thankful to Allah.

All the above stem from being conscious of and fearing Allah.

We should all make that a goals of ours and ask Allah to make us emotionally attached to him where we can cry in private from his remembrance. It's about sincerity and effort and, Allah willing, He will gift us that precious moment.


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