Friday, February 20, 2009

An Extra Year of Life - Allah Is Great!!

Sup ya'll!

'Tis my birthday on this beautiful Friday. And it'll be a memorable one - cuz it's my first birthday without my grandfather.

SO MUCH has happened. I've moved back in with my in-laws after my FILs 2nd stroke in September '08 - his wife needs our help. Which means that our house is being rented out. If you're wondering how I feel about our house being rented out, well here it is: all i can say is 'alhamdulillah for everything' but digging deep down inside of me, i'm saddened. Everytime I drive pass there, I stare at it whistfully - praying to Allah to let us live there again, one day.

Among other things; Robbie's made me quit Uni - which means goodbye Nursing, my dream. I failed my subjects last semester, that's why i'm no longer attending uni. I regret not finishing uni before getting married. If you're heading into a marriage right now and have got Uni on the line - unifinished - I suggest you get Uni out of the way and graduate before you jump into marriage, so you can solely concentrate on marriage. I feel like he's reaped me of knowledge altogether, I hate feeling like that.

Which is why I enrolled into a Shari'ah course with Sydney Islamic College. If he's no longer permitting me to study Nursing then I don't want the same thing to happen with Islamic knowledge. I have this urge to study. Studying more of my Islam is what i'm starving for now. Inshallah I can't wait to start the classes.

How was my birthday you ask? I couldn't have asked Allah for a better present than an extra year/chance of life to spend with my family & friends....oh and of course food!


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