Sunday, November 16, 2008

To Allah We Belong & To Allah We Return.

It's been 1 week since my grandfather died.

It was one of the most hardest things......that filtered through my ears and into my thoughts. Approximately he died around 4pm Indonesian time - which is 8pm AEST. But I received the call from my mum @ 8.30pm.

I can never forget that night. I was waiting for my parents to drop off Abdurrahman after spending the sunday together. Mum said she'd drop him off around 8:00-8:30pm, but it was nearing 8:30pm and I had a gut feeling that something was wrong. The phone rang and I had an instinct to pick it up. Usually when it's just Robbie & I at home and the phone rings, we get indecisive on who should answer it. But it was different that night. I had the instinct to grab the phone as soon as it rang. It was my mum on the other line. That feeling came again - telling me that she was going to tell me dreadful news.

*Phone rings at 8:30pm on Sunday 9.11.08*
Me: "Hello."
Mum: "Hello, assalaamu'alaikum."
Me: "Wa'alaikumussalaam."


Mum: "Ezy..."
Me: "Iya..."(yes)
Mum *on the verge of tears*: "Buya meninggal zy..."(Buya passed away).
Me: "Apa??"(What??).
Mum: "Buya meninggal."
Me: "Meninggal?? Kapan?!" (Passed away?? When?!).
Mum: "Barusan tadi.."(Just then).
*at this point I was sobbing and in disbelief*
And then Mum asked to speak to Robbie.

When he hung up the phone I was still on the couch crying. I was in shock (as you would be) and decided to go to Mum's place.

When I got there the first thing I did as soon as I passed the front door was hug my mum. We were all there gathered, reading 'Yaa-siin' from the Qur'an.

I went home at 11:30pm and placed my weary head on the pillow. Alhamdulillah, I awoke the next morning. But only to find that Buya's death wasn't a dream (plus, I had my stupid exam) but a reality I have to face for the rest of my life.

To Allah we belong and to Allah we shall return.

1 comment:

Isklar_Glacial said...

This wasa very emotional blog post, as i read your phone conversation i could feel my own eyes tear up as i remember having such calls made to our home.

I pray that Allah swt give you and your family strength and grants those who have passed the highest paradise.

"To Allah we belong and to Allah we shall return." - such a simple line but emodies our lifes only truth in it completly.
