Saturday, March 01, 2008

It's Official!

Alhamdulillah! We've got the keys to the house!! My MIL picked it up from the agent yesterday.

And Abdurrahman started Day Care yesterday also. Honestly, I was soooooOOooOOo nervous for him; didn't know how he was going to handle it. This place is run by Muslims and they have programs to teach kids educational things to help them get into private Islamic schools such as Malik Fahd and others. Alhamdulillah, he handled it quite well. He was a little clingy when we entered; following me to put away his bag and everywhere. Finally after I gave him his car to play with I got him to sit at a table nearby where there were puzzles to do and other kids were sitting down too. I thought this was the cue for me to leave; because I had a class that day and was running a wee bit late. Thank God he didn't see me leave.

Now that we've got the keys, there's loads of work to do. Oh btw, there's a good site to download PSP games if you're intrested or you know anybody who has a PSP. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD FREE PSP GAMES

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