Monday, August 11, 2008

Clinical Placement Day 1 was a pleasant start to the day but I arrived just in time with the Facilitator still standing in the main entrance with a group of students.

'Twas a hektik start to the day with an awakening for Sahur @ 5am (i've got 4 more fasting days to do before Ramadhan begins in September '08). Afterwards, had to pray, get dressed, get Robbie's shirts ready, made Robbie's lunch, packed Abdurrahman's stuff to stay @ his Ummi's house while i'm out on clinical, and lastly a visit to the toilet before actually heading off. It takes 30 minutes to get there.....and I left the house @ 6:40am.

As soon as I got there it took a while for me to find free parking on the streets, alhamdulillah finally found one and raced to the main entrance to catch the group. I've never run so hard that I fell and skinned my knee and tore my trouser a little; even now it still stings.

Overall, got placed in a surgical-orthopaedic ward. We can't do any medications on the first day. The only things we could do was do the observations (checking blood pressure, pulse, temperature, respiration rate), showers, make beds & BSLs (checking blood sugar levels). Alhamdulillah, I was teamed up with an excellent RN; she explained everything and anything that I had questions about. Definitely tomorrow will be 10x more hektik with LOADS of patients to shower in the morning..........personally I'd prefer to work the AM shift than the PM shift. With the PM shift the afternoon drags on as you anticipate to go home.

We'll see how tomorrow goes. I'll keep you posted.


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